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Add user defined car prices

Based on that data the system can suggest price for the car when eventually it is to be sold.
Make the suggestions local, because the prices differ.
You can also ask local second hand car markets to share relevant data.

Alex Stoev , 08.02.2011, 15:45
Response from the site administrator
Veseliq, 17.07.2011
How would I aggregate the data? Most second hand car vendors don't have a web site, let alone API to pull the data from. As the site is international it would be extremely hard to provide even relatively accurate results.

Otherwise I see how this could be handy and if I get suggested a good approach, it might implement the idea.
Idea status: under consideration


Валери, 17.07.2011, 10:15
The guy said it in the title: "Add user defined car prices". Let the users tell you what are the current prices of their cars. Consider the price not actual if it does not change in 3 months. And... there you go - average model prices.

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